Läkaren som vägrade ge upp – prisbelönad igen


Dear Börje,

This is Eric Panter, Independent Film Consultant and Founder of the Spotlight Documentary Film Awards.

After reviewing hundreds of films this year, we have compiled our second list of of the best independent documentary films of 2019.

I am so honored to announce your project has been selected as one of the top films of the year.

Silver Awards: awarded to unforgettable films with the third highest scores from our panel.[The Spotlight Documentary Film Awards, Atlanta, Georgia]

You will find your project listed on our awards page

Streama filmen: Läkaren som vägrade ge upp,  här

Priset går till alla som donerat, sponsrat, medverkat och stöttat filmen, alla som sett till att den har visats runt om i Sverige och publiken som hejat fram den.


Börje Peratt


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